Just give me the sugggaaarrrrr~ !!!
Chatango? Yes Please!~
Hahaha you're about to read a conversation now, when I was talking to my friend Lisa ^^ I hope it's not TOO boring XD trolololololol~
Yeah, And here you can listen to a good song while you're reading :3
And Im just making up some names right now, that's why you might not find me on Chatango, well, bcuz this is not my real username there (For those who doesn't know what Chatango is, it's a live chat site, kinda like msn, but bigger ..kinda, and it might seem long, but don't worry, I just hope someone is thinking the same way as I do.. So give me some thoughts, please? :D)
TheJRockKitten (3:01:18 PM): I’m watching Dream High ep 9 :D
TheJRockKitten (3:01:20 PM): It's SUPER GOOD
Lisa (3:01:31 PM): lol
Lisa (3:01:33 PM): okies
Lisa (3:01:35 PM): u watch it
TheJRockKitten (3:02:27 PM): but I didn't like when a girl in that series loose weight to "make the guy fall in love with her" I MEAN COMMON! If he really LOVED her, he would LOVE her the way she was B4 the "Loose weight-thing"
TheJRockKitten (3:02:46 PM): i thought she was really cute when she was little chubby, but now.. meh
TheJRockKitten (3:02:47 PM): lol
TheJRockKitten (3:02:59 PM): sure, she's very pretty now
Lisa (3:02:59 PM): LOL
TheJRockKitten (3:03:13 PM): but i liked her almost better when she was little round
TheJRockKitten (3:03:18 PM): ...it might sound weird
TheJRockKitten (3:03:21 PM): but whaever
Lisa (3:03:42 PM): lol i understand what u mean
Lisa (3:04:14 PM): love love
TheJRockKitten (3:04:15 PM): i mean.. what role model is that?
Lisa (3:04:21 PM): haha
Lisa (3:04:28 PM): not a good one
TheJRockKitten (3:04:42 PM): what does it shows for the young ppl that is watching this drama?
TheJRockKitten (3:04:47 PM): well :
Lisa (3:05:00 PM): that to make someone fall in luv with u loose weight
Lisa (3:05:03 PM): xD
TheJRockKitten (3:05:03 PM): 1: you cant be fat/round/chubby to get your loves attention
Lisa (3:05:17 PM): aw
TheJRockKitten (3:05:25 PM): 2: you HAVE to loose weight, it's a MUST
Lisa (3:05:37 PM): haha
Lisa (3:05:41 PM): anger!
TheJRockKitten (3:05:43 PM): and ... 3: NO ONE LIKES ROUND PPL
TheJRockKitten (3:05:47 PM): I HATE THOSE!
TheJRockKitten (3:05:52 PM): SHUT UP ALREADY, RIGHT!?
Lisa (3:05:58 PM): lol
Lisa (3:06:02 PM): naah ur making me laugh
TheJRockKitten (3:06:02 PM): she can be round and find LOVE!
TheJRockKitten (3:06:14 PM): no im not saying shut up to you -.-
Lisa (3:06:15 PM): yup
Lisa (3:06:20 PM): i know
TheJRockKitten (3:06:30 PM): god it's such a BAD msgs! you know
TheJRockKitten (3:06:32 PM): DAMNIT
Lisa (3:06:39 PM): calm down Kitten!
TheJRockKitten (3:06:43 PM): now i have to see how this is going to end
TheJRockKitten (3:06:45 PM): ok
TheJRockKitten (3:06:46 PM): lol
TheJRockKitten (3:06:47 PM): im clam now
Lisa (3:06:49 PM): hahahaha
Lisa (3:06:51 PM): ok
Lisa (3:06:52 PM): good
TheJRockKitten (3:07:00 PM): *breath*
Lisa (3:07:04 PM): :)
TheJRockKitten (3:07:13 PM): but yeah
TheJRockKitten (3:07:20 PM): i dont like her anymore -.-'
TheJRockKitten (3:07:34 PM): I love her b4, she was my fave character
Lisa (3:07:45 PM): hahahaha
TheJRockKitten (3:07:48 PM): bcuz she was like me, shy and innocent.... and in love...
TheJRockKitten (3:08:10 PM): The lead character is nothing like me, so i dont really like her
TheJRockKitten (3:08:12 PM): well
TheJRockKitten (3:08:31 PM): i do like that a lead character can be that Mean and Tough... And she was almost BOY-ISH…. but in a girly way… idk
Lisa (3:08:48 PM): lol
TheJRockKitten (3:09:10 PM): this is all from my head, my thoughts so yeah
TheJRockKitten (3:09:13 PM): dont judge
TheJRockKitten (3:09:17 PM): lol
Lisa (3:09:28 PM): dont worry i wont
Lisa (3:09:38 PM): i mean hey this is wat makes u Kitten
TheJRockKitten (3:09:53 PM): hahaah thank you :3 no.. this is what's makes me a HUMAN
TheJRockKitten (3:09:56 PM): :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
TheJRockKitten (3:10:08 PM): lulz
TheJRockKitten (3:10:10 PM): am i right?
TheJRockKitten (3:10:15 PM): AMIRITE?
Lisa (3:10:38 PM): lol yes u r
TheJRockKitten (3:11:02 PM): heheehehe
TheJRockKitten (3:11:06 PM): so anyways
Lisa (3:11:10 PM): ..anyways
TheJRockKitten (3:11:15 PM): this drama is about reaching your life goal. And I hope they will… ALL OF THEM
Lisa (3:11:32 PM): yh
Lisa (3:11:35 PM): they will xD
TheJRockKitten (3:11:37 PM): if her dream was to loose weight, it's all up to her, right?
Lisa (3:11:42 PM): yup
TheJRockKitten (3:11:52 PM): I’m ok with that, but it's not a good msgs
Lisa (3:12:28 PM): i made that up just now xD
TheJRockKitten (3:12:37 PM): woah! that's deep!
TheJRockKitten (3:12:41 PM): *bow*
Lisa (3:12:44 PM): hahahaha
TheJRockKitten (3:12:44 PM): lol
Lisa (3:12:54 PM): glad u like it!
TheJRockKitten (3:13:06 PM): is it ok, if i put this dialog on my blog? :D
TheJRockKitten (3:13:15 PM): it would be cool if someone reads it
TheJRockKitten (3:13:16 PM): :)
Lisa (3:13:20 PM): yh sure.........with my name!!
Lisa (3:13:23 PM): xD
Yup, that's all I have for now, take care guys! PEACE TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! <3
Ok Ok Ok.... I'm sorry :/
So now I have watched alot of videos about people talking about Japan, and I was touched, really..
Last week I saw a video about a dog being rescued out in the sea.. Did you see that one? The dog was alive and he united with his mistress, I was really touched there too.. And did you guys hear about the grandmother and the grandson being rescued after 9days? They lived on yoghurt for 9 days! GOSH ... I was so toched and YES I'm a crybaby!
So I just felt litle sad bcuz I really haven't talked about the Earthquake and the Tsunami that much, so yeah, I'm truly truly sorry guys!
I believe Japan will recover very soon, bcuz it's a great country, but ofc the nuclear power plants in Fukushima is making everything worse.. It's horible, Why would they even have nuclear power plants there, when they know that "one day it's going to be an eartquake in Japan"....????
I MEAN COMON! The world would be so much better if there wasn't such thing as nuclear power plants, right? (Or am I the only one thinking it would be better of without nuclear power plants?)
And now, more than 3 weeks later, they still have a hard time finding food that are available to actually eat!
I tried asking mum if I could donate money to Japan, But she said no, 'cuz I'm underage, nothing else. (Don't get the wrong ideas about my mum, she's an lovley woman :D) But I still think I would feel better if I could donate some money :/
OK OK OK, here's some of the videos that touched me the most:
And that's all for today, folks... It's 6AM here and I'm still awake.. Dunno why, so don't ask :D .. Ok good night ppl! Take care of yourself and your families!
Oshare Kei and Lolita!
Ok, så jag ska typ bli Oshare Kei nu..
Aa... Så, jag behöver färgranna kläder, färgranna skor, färga håret i någon färgrann hårfärg (inte hela håret bara nån slinga eller så), färgade linser (bruna till Upp-Con och lila/blå till Oshare stilen), färgglatt smink, lite färgranna accessoarer ... och... aa det e typ allt (:
Mmmmhmmhmmm, och min kompis har gått och blivit Lolita :3 Super fint mode, så såklart är hon super fin i det modet <3
Här nere kan ni se lite bilder av dom som jag inspereras av (Oshare Kei) (:
Bou from "An Cafe" (R.I.P AN CAFE!<3)

Miku from "An Cafe" (the singer) (R.I.P AN CAFE!<3)

And Mikus bangs here:

And if I'm getting tired or doesn't like that bangs I can just put them like this with hairpins:

Here's some more:
An cafe


Takeru (the singer in SuG)

Here's two pics on lolitas:

Tack, ta hand om er, PEACE TO YOU ALL! <3
Ok, so I'll be kinda Oshare Kei now ..
Yeah ... So, I need colorful clothes, colorful shoes, dye my hair in a colorful hair color (not the whole my hair though, just some piece of hair section or so), colored lenses (brown to Upp-Con and purple/blue to the Oshare style), colorful makeup, a bit colorful accessories ... and ... Yeah that's probably all (:
Mmmmhmmhmmm, and my friend has become Lolita :3 Super cute fashion, so of course she is super pretty in that fashion <3
If you scroll up you can see some pictures of what I'm inspired by (Oshare Kei) (: And two pics on Lolita :3