Yup, I must admit it.. Im sad... Heartbroken... Down... Deppressed... I needed to cry, so I watched the chinese movie called "Secret" ... The love-story that would never end, to get together even though all odds, to be so deeply in love that you're willing to give your life to it (kinda).... I litterality cried my heart out... I cried so much, that I was shaking, hyperventulating and when I was about to stand up to get some water, I felt dizzy... Yup yup, I dont think I have ever cried like that to a movie before... Or maybe I have, but still... It feels great, relieved, but also down and depperessing after have finnishing crying.

Good Night Everyone <3
It's hard..
So after that, time was, I dunno, maybe 3AM, and I was like "No way Im going to bed now, I wanna cry more now when Im still very down!" ..
.. So I did. I watched the movie "1 Litre of tears" and that story... THAT WAS A HEARTBROKEN STORY INDEED! The will of surviving, the will to fight, the will that everything is going to get better, is going to be OK, but knowing that it will not be better than this, only worser.... That's what's that story is about, to fight! TO LIVE!

("Secret" [Chinese Sad Romantic Movie])

("1 Litre Of Tears" [Japanease Sad Heartbreaking Movie])
I recomand to watch "Secret" if you want to cry... And If you're heartbroken already, you don't need to watch "1 Litre Of Tears" 'cuz that movie is making you very heartbroken and everything... So yeaah..
And if you want to cry a little more.. Listen to these two song: